Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Week 6: Podcasting

Here's a good reminder that I don't know everything. I had no idea that you could subscribe to podcasts through Google Reader. Very cool. I went through a phase where I was listening to NPR podcasts on long bike rides and runs and simply used iTunes. I got out of the habit of listening to them (probably because 8 months of winter have interfered with my outdoor activities), but I still really enjoy them. I subscribed to an NPR podcast in Google Reader and as with most things Google, it was easy as could be.

As I mentioned in my previous post, I'm one of those people who just doesn't get MySpace. Podcasts, on the other hand, I very much get. I think the possibilities for libraries are just about endless. In fact, I'll be learning more about this as we get acquainted with the new iMacs we received through a grant.

I was also pleased to learn this week that there's an Onion podcast. I read the Onion faithfully in college and quickly discovered that it was not something I could safely read in class as I tended to blurt out laughing uncontrollably. My wife, on the other hand (she still hasn't started!), does not find the Onion funny at all. I look forward to tormenting her with audio clips. :)

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