There's a lot to take in this week. It's not just Remember the Milk and Jott, but the seemingly countless ways they interact with other services. There's probably some combination here that would really work for me, but I'm not sure what it is. What I am sure of is that I desperately need something to help me remember things. My wife (who is weeks behing on Project Play I might add!) will attest to the fact that I ALWAYS forget something when I run errands. I make lists, but I forget to add important stuff. Even worse, I often forget the list itself. So paper lists have their limits.
I must admit to finding a certain amount of satisfaction in creating papers lists, crossing things off, and tossing the list. It just doesn't feel like I'm getting anything done unless I'm killing a tree! (To be fair, I do use scratch paper which I then recycle, but still).
I have a list of new tools that I intend to explore more fully when I have time. Remember the Milk and Jott are going on that list. Please, nobody hold their breath.